Duncan Banks of Melbourne, Australia would like to take you on a strange journey...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Been here 14 Days:
Days Windsurfing - 12
Days Surfing - 1
Largest sail used - 5.2m
Smallest sail used- 4.4m (could of used a 4m)
Most used sail - 4.7m
Preferred Wave Board - 74 L JP Radical Wave
Preferred Freestyle Board - 85L JP Freestyle Wave
What i had for dinner last night...chicken curry
Injuries - None except for sore hands

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lanzarote on a day with wind and waves

A couple of week ago the PWA visited Lanzarote for the Super X. They were greeted with some windy conditions as seen by the photo.

Would like to say thats me. I personally would of gone for the double forward.

My Batch Pad and My Birthday

My current Aparment. Brings a new definition to spacious living

The main Bedroom

Bathroom. Everything else in the aparment is under construction


Two lovely diving girls who work next to us

Just booked myself in for my diving certificate!

Sailing Location on a flat windless day

Famar Beach and a skinny me

The windsurfing paradise team but without the boss

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Canary Island Pics!

Flying over Lanzarote

Windsurfing Centre. Home for the next couple of months

Anyone need a sail!

Or a board....

Costa Teguise beach. This is where we go sailing obvisously

Looking back from the beach. Volcanoes are everywhere you look


Well i have officially entered the mid 20´s bracket by turning 25 last Saturday. The family kindly rung (they didn´t last year and i was in melbourne) to wish me happy birthday and to tel me that i was looking too skinny...Thanks mum and yes i am trying to eat more!

For the night we hit the local bar chespas, i know, shit name then headed to a local costa teguise party to the early hours of the morning. Thinking everyone would be speaking full on spanish with bugger all english at the party, i was pleasantly surprised that pretty much everyone spoke english (tourist town) and to make it better, i was the only aussie there and pretty much on the whole island.

On the other side of things, i have been working pretty hard for the last couple of days. It gets crazy at our windsuring resort with about 40 customers out on the water during the afternoon. That means there are 40 fooking rigs to de-rig and store away in the centre. And who´s the gimp who does that...hmmmm. Lets just say i have put on and taken off enough booms for a life time of windsurfing. My silky soft hands are also feeling it to as i am constantly pulling on ropes all day and yes i know you were all thinking of something else i could be pulling (with those who have their minds in the gutter).

The accomadation side of things sucks a bit at the moment. The place i am suppose to move into has been delayed to the end of July. So at the moment the only accom we could find was this apartment that is currently being built! All it has is a bed, toilet, basin and a crappy old fridge. The Gov said i could rent of for free if i do a wee bit of grouting here and there but me grouting skills are not one to boast about.

The positive thing is the apartment i am moving into to is totally cool. It has a full ocean view and the dude i will be living with is a english dj...i.e. the house is totally decked out with all the latest electronic hardware. Most of it is probably off the back of a truck but fook i couldn´t care less. His name is oggy and he has just split up with his misses and he seems like a good right of fun.

What else...ummm, yes i know you are all wanting pictures of the big birthday and Lanzorate but the only internet cafe only has windows 98 which doesn´t recongnise my camera so be patient.

Well heading back to squat in my apartment. Good thing is if you don´t go out, i get to bed early as there is absolutely nothing to do and as its forecasted to blow 30 knots tomorrow with swell, so a good nights sleep will be just the thing. And i have tomorrow off as well.

Stoked Dude!

P.S Keep those comments coming.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Well, one might be mistaken when landing at the airport of Lanzarote, that you have in fact landed on the lunar landscape of the moon! Forget trees, grass and green, Lanzorate has rock, volcanoes everywhere and a little more rock. This might not the ideal holiday destination, but once I arrived at my home for the next 2 months, I was confronted by a big bay which crystal clear blue warm water, a solid 20-25 cross shore wind with a nice little point where waves break over which are perfect for hurting themselves.

My job description is pretty much GOFER. I am working at a windsurfing resort/rental/instructing shop. I will be pretty much rigging and derigging sails for customers and beach patrol. Tough Work! Work is from 9:30am to 6:00pm and then afterwards I hit the water for some Duncan time. I apparently start work tomorrow so in the mean time i have been windsurfing all day. Nearly did a spock! I must stress nearly! The area i am staying at Teguise is populated with basically english tourists who haven't heard of sunscreen and responsible parenting. I have never seen so many ridiculously burnt poms in the one place. Blister burns are not uncommon- the one thing I love, it doesn't stop them from getting to the beach for the next day.

I will get a few pics of the place and put them up later today or the next convienent time.

Off to go windsurfing. Today i will be riding a brand spanking new 4.7m Neilpride Combat wave with a JP 84 litre Freestyle Wave. Life sucks!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Brussels in a Day

Well i am in Brussels in transit for my plane trip to Lanzarote. Luckily, i only have a day because i seriously think i have seen all of it in a couple of hours. The lonely planet day says its famous for Kim Clijsters and Justine Henin-Hardenne which is a indication of someone one has to visit. I am probably being a little hard on Brussel and i think its due to the fact that one gets over site seeing.

Some Sqaure...Lots of Tourists

Some of the sites and city squares are pretty cool, but the thing that caught my eye was a bicycle thats also a recombent (don't know spelling)

Nifty bike. I want one!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Short but Sweet

Well my greek voyage ended a bit sooner than i expected due to my windsurfing employment in the canary islands, but i can honestly say that myself kat, Tim and bec left our mark. Kos was just as you picture a greek island. Sunny, warm water, people sunbaking everywhere, POMS and so many bars.

Kos Harbour

One of the many islands of Greece.

The night life was Krazy. There was one strip with at least 20 bars and clubs and to get you in, each bar would give you a free shot and cocktail. Serious memory loses... Seriously, it's the first time in my life where I've photographic proof of scoring a hot pom (ed: like they exist) only to have no memory of the event occuring (pic below).

Kat and Bec from home were putting up with myself and Tim.

I found this on my camera the morning after...

BLUE STEEL - After the 10th cocktail!

Tim and Kat.

We had an ace little holiday home which had been renovated to 2 storeys. The building was not quite tall enough so the second floor was only about 1.6m high which meant I had to walk around crouched. (ed: like the people in this movie)

My scooter for the week. I started off wearing shoes, pants and helmet. That didn't last long!
Tim feel off his scooter and busted it.

For the bridge lovers.

Greece was great fun and I wish I could have stayed there longer but I could not let go of my job opportunity in the Canary Islands. I am now in Brussels waiting for my flight to the canaries.

Windsurfing for 2 months here I come....

Friday, July 07, 2006

Karma Baby!

I have always said I am a firm believer in karma and if you do good, goodness will always come in return.

Well after being told that my dream windsurfing job in Canary Islands was no longer....Guess again baby! Just got a email today saying he needs more help and i am the man for it. FOOKING SWEET!!!!


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Things I love and hate about travelling in Europe

Even though I am still regarded as a naive traveller, you pretty quickly discover the things you love and hate about travelling. Here is just a few I can think of!

1) European Women!
2) European women beach attire (well lack of it really)
3) 2 for 1 cocktails!
4) Being able to buy alchol anywhere and its only 1 euro fo a litre of beer from the supermarket!
5) Siesta.
6) Listening to my mate Tim use his favourite pick up line.....Where do you come from....I might of used that once or twice.

1) Travelling. Going to the train station and lining up for a hour only to be told you are at the wrong window (in Italian), then later discover that you just missed your train!
2) Nodding off in buses only to wake up to discover that you have drooled all over yourself and everyone knows about it.
3) Being in a bar full of Italians watching Australia loose the world cup match against Italy and to be told that it was "Meant to be!" Get foooked!
4) Finding a clean public toilet in Italy. Good Luck
5) The French....nah, they are ok.
6) Eating. Having to eat is such a pain
7) Loosing weight (I actually thought that was not possible for me and i have sooo much to loose)
8) Trying to get all the necessary food groups from KEBABS. Fricking Kebab stores on every corner in Europe
9) Typing nor,qlly on q french keyboqrd.