Dunc Goes Country
Benella. Its dry. Its flat. Its hot. Its a little bit country. Its a place where if you don't have a V8 ute (sporting a big UHF antenna), a slab of VB in the back, and a wife beater tan, you may as well turn straight back around to Melbourne.

Upon Arrival
Well thats what myself and two bad ladies (Selina and Katherine) risked when Casey Robertson invited us to spend Australia Day with him at ferrels annual Australia Day Tripple J Hottest 100 bbq/party
Always a little sceptical about heading anywhere away from the coast on a sunny day, the girls and i where already encountering problems with Sels parents car overheating on the drive to Benella. From Melbourne, Benella usually takes around 2.5 hours to drive but we managed to stretch that out to 4 hours due to regular stopping to let the honda cool down and for sel and kath to yell at absolutely every bloke who they thought is a bit of "auuurlright''.
Sel took this one?
When we finally arrived, we fronted up to what reminded me of uni days at a college party. Ferrell was very kindly relieving himself in the middle of the lawn for all to see, cockeye was doing a layback, deano was in a bit of a tussle, blocka was just being blocka and most bits of furniture were strewn around the yard and there was no shortage of empty beer bottles scattered around. So whats one to do? Start drinking very quickly and enjoy the festivities.
Given the intial shock of the scene, i was soon enjoying myself by mostly just watching other people. It was kind of like a nature show. "what we can see her are two males performing in a ritual seal crawl to attract the attention of the surrounding females"
After a 6 pack of beer and a few Johnnie Walker's, it was time for every country tradition. A parma at the local pub. Beautifully located on Benella lake, we enjoyed our parmas in ambience reading ourselves for the nights activities at another pub nearby.
The backdrop from the Pub. From the left we have Kat, Sel and me!
Well the rest of the night was a bit blurr. Sel and Kath were well and truely warming up with a gathering of local boys sniffing around. I think its been a while since two single 25 year old ladies have visited Benella.
Robbo and Kath
The night went into the wee hours. There was nudity...skinny dipping...drinking...and a little more drinking. Kath, Sel and myself enjoyed our little country adventure, but we think it might be a while before heading back.
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