Duncan Banks of Melbourne, Australia would like to take you on a strange journey...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Robe Easter Perfection

Beautiful one day, perfect the next....and no folks, i am not talking about the Gold Coast.

The annual easter voyage (its about my 5th easter robe trip now) started a little bit chirpy. I managed to score a lift with Charlie and his new girlfriend Joe, Robe debutee, who couldn't dare the thought of spending 5 days without her beloved Cockatele who happen to sit next to me in the car and didn't stop chirping for a solid 5 hours! First stop thou was the morgan family farm which eddie runs. Having about as much experience something funny, eddie showed us around the farm and even let me shot a gun for the first time. I have just got my hearing back. It was a .243, apparently thats a powerful rifle. The highlight was definetely seeing the new born pups which were 4 weeks old. Very cute.

How could you say no!

First surf
From the farm, it was a quick 1.5 hour drive to Robe. Robe has been a traditionally holiday for the morgan family for about the last 40 years. Its situated on the coast about 3.5 hours south of Adelaide. The morgans own one of the historic old pubs that has been converted into a B&B and a family holiday home.
Robe locals. They set up the couch at Stonies while drink musket from a flaggen!

The program for robe is simple..
Breakfast...big egg, bacon, sausage cook up
Let it sit for a few hours
Surf or sail in the arvo
Montrous dinner.
Boys sailing at long beach

This goes on for a number of days. This year we were treated to unbelievalbe conditions everyday. Light offshore wind and 2-4 foot surf created perfect clean waves. The boys even got a really good wavesail in at longbeach due to a out of season sea-breeze. I unfortunately couldn't go windsurfing due to my foot injury from christmas, but i could still surf. The pictures prove the conditions.

Clean as a whistle.
Me nose riding the webber at Stonies

Once again, the Easter Weekend was heaps of fun and a big thumbs up goes to the morgans for hosting once a again a memorbrale Easter Weekend.


Blogger thr said...

I think it's time Morgs and I got chummy



Thu Apr 26, 02:18:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

aaah tommy

and I thought you liked me for me?

Wed July 25, 11:15:00 pm


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