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It was a blast from the past, well not really as i never lived in off campus student accommadation. For the last couple of days, Anya and Becky very kindly offered me a fun packed 5 days of madness in the uni district of Birmingham. I met Anya Beckie while they were on holiday in Lanzarote. On their departure, they said i had to come to Birmingham and live the uni life once more.
In their final year of a geography degree, and having a strenous 2 days at uni per week, they made sure i saw the sites and experienced the exciting nightlife Birmingham has to offer. Upon arrival, Becky had already got costumes ready for the first night at the uni bar. The night was Sports night, where all the sporting associations dress up in a different theme and just get absolutely plastered. We dressed up as the 118'ers, which unfortunately shows a little to much of my pasty white skin

Me, Becky and Anya

After a few.
Recovering after the one of the worst hangovers i have experienced, we were to back it up at VOD BALL. Yes, thats right, a party sponsored by Redbull. Here you could buy a vodka red bull for a mere £1.25. The night is held at this massive night club where thousands crammed into.

Hard to show just how many people were here.
On day 3, we visited the Snowdome. A indoor sking and snowboarding centre at Tamworth. The runs were a little short, but the snow was actually really good. It definetly wet the appetite for the european ski season.

But its indoors....i will be fine in jeans and a jumper. It was a wet ride home!
Becky had left the big one for the final night of mayhem. GODS KITCHEN! The premier night club in Birmingham, and known world wide. Miss Many Penny and Frenchman David Guetta were the main acts.

Ahhhh yay

This dude was definetly freaking a few people out.
I cannot thank Becky and Anya enough for my days in Birmingham. They put a roof over me, feed me, washed me (i wish) and kept me entertained for the whole time. Secretly i think i was the excuse not to do any uni work and to party every day and night. I wish you two all the best and hopefully see you in Australia sometime in the future.
well duncan youve tried the rest now your in gods country youll try the best.just dontleave any little momento's behind. Its been great to meet you and you stay for a few days. Your Mum need not worry you have been fed well for a few days! and hopefully will end your visit with a bang. a good night out with Sadie andher friends. Hope you visit your auntie christine before you leave it will really make you apprieciate life.Its been great having you here take good care on your travels.
Sat Oct 28, 05:09:00 am
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