Short but Sweet
Well my greek voyage ended a bit sooner than i expected due to my windsurfing employment in the canary islands, but i can honestly say that myself kat, Tim and bec left our mark. Kos was just as you picture a greek island. Sunny, warm water, people sunbaking everywhere, POMS and so many bars.

Kos Harbour

One of the many islands of Greece.
The night life was Krazy. There was one strip with at least 20 bars and clubs and to get you in, each bar would give you a free shot and cocktail. Serious memory loses... Seriously, it's the first time in my life where I've photographic proof of scoring a hot pom (ed: like they exist) only to have no memory of the event occuring (pic below).

Kat and Bec from home were putting up with myself and Tim.

I found this on my camera the morning after...

BLUE STEEL - After the 10th cocktail!

Tim and Kat.
We had an ace little holiday home which had been renovated to 2 storeys. The building was not quite tall enough so the second floor was only about 1.6m high which meant I had to walk around crouched. (ed: like the people in this movie)

My scooter for the week. I started off wearing shoes, pants and helmet. That didn't last long!
Tim feel off his scooter and busted it.

For the bridge lovers.
Greece was great fun and I wish I could have stayed there longer but I could not let go of my job opportunity in the Canary Islands. I am now in Brussels waiting for my flight to the canaries.
Windsurfing for 2 months here I come....
'Short but sweet' are you talking about your encounter with the POM?
Mon July 10, 10:46:00 am
HA! you want Karma matey?
Scoting a hot pom and only have a dodgy photo as proof!!
Tue July 11, 10:06:00 am
a tree falls in the forest.....
Wed July 12, 12:41:00 pm
...did anybody root it?
Thu July 13, 11:58:00 pm
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