An Open Letter To Duncan...

Admin guy and self appointed mentor thomasr "guest posts" on this blog, regarding the possible return of the Dunc...
Our Dearest Duncan,
Well me lad, you did it. You went away: worked, worked 'em over and it all worked out.
We (That is The Tone and I) were chatting (funilly enough @ Stevo's launch party) and we get the distinct impression that you might be ready to set sail for Australia.
In short: bloody don't. We think you should stay away for longer. We think you need to hit 12 months out of country at least. You have a job waiting for you- whether back at the old gig or not. You're ripe for the picking for any company; you have the uni marks and the working experience. You can now add worldly experience to your CV; don't underestimate how much this will be valued when you return and crank out the CV's and applications.
Perhaps 12 months working in the UK with frequent foray into Europe might be the go... What about settling for a year in Holland or Sweden? Plenty of English spoken there olde bean.
Anyhoo- see the comments, feel the vibe.
Thomasr (and Tone)
I agree with me
Thu Oct 05, 11:22:00 pm
Believe me tom, i have definetly thought about it on a couple of occasions. The thing is by working at Windsurf Paradise and seeing people like me working in the European cities and holidaying at WP, i have never seen more miserable people when they leave as they know they won't see water till their next holiday!
I'll see whats England has to offer thou.
Fri Oct 06, 02:08:00 am
oooo did I create all this who ha?
Fri Oct 06, 08:33:00 am
Don't listen to Tom Duncan, he is just using your windsurfing gear. Mum and Romper miss you very much and would love to have you home.
But Dunc, Tom is right. This is a once in a life time opportunity. After you start balding, you will not get this opportunity again. Go for it Dunc! I suggest 12 months In the South Western part of England - Cornwall I think. Plenty of surf, wind and slappers there for you.
Fri Oct 06, 01:33:00 pm
This is once that we all agree with Tom....
you should stay away for as long as you can (up to a couple of years that is).
Pity you couldn't have carried on working for Carsten for a while longer into winter to get the real winter swell. But go to pommie land and get yourself a gig with loads of weekend hops back to the sun & surf of Spain.( Last minute flights in the UK are about that same price as a loaf of bread( Almost))
Glad to see you enjoyed Lanzarote
Fri Oct 06, 06:28:00 pm
Keep playing.You will come home and nothing will have changed, your adventure will be a distant memory in no time. Come play in London get some more OS experience and heck the girls are easy !!!! (like I'd know). Keep it going you can do it
Marky Mark and Sophie contact on
Sat Oct 07, 10:53:00 pm
Kat Riley says: you must stay over there & keep us peering through your blog to places we would rather be.
Sun Oct 08, 06:21:00 pm
fook london dunc
have your own endless summer.
its a long way home for a few sloppy seabreezes, summer surf, a desk job and a friday night lineup at robarta.
stay away as long as you can. If you run out of cash freeload of as many people as possible, hit rodrigez up for a loan or pimp your white arse.
you know that after 1 week at work and an unsuccessful night hitting robarta and veludo will reinforce your descision to return early (at all) was the wrong one.
BTW - heres what you missed last weekend
Mon Oct 09, 10:18:00 am
Gee that helps a lot tone
Mon Oct 09, 11:07:00 pm
Oh Dunc, once you come to Birmingham you won't want to leave (haha). We could go on a trip down to Anya's in Devon though, it's a bit nicer there.. Could maybe even do some more skinny dipping ;)
Fri Oct 13, 02:33:00 am
are you calling dunc skinny?
Fri Oct 13, 10:34:00 pm
Hey t, your so sexy and i need you to bend over now! want you real bad! ive never been able to tell you in person but i need to have sex with you today!
Fri Dec 01, 01:06:00 am
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