A Tour Around Lanzarote with NICOLE
For the last two weeks, Nicole has visited me here in Lanzaroate. With my only day off, we went on a voyage around the island so see the sites! You will see from the pictures that lanzarote is a volcanic island. So we were told, the island was erupting only 15o years ago so a lot of the islands land is very new.

The first stop was at the Ceuva De Los Verdes, underground caves created by lava flows. The picture above is a optical illusion. The picture looks symmetrical but in fact the bottom half is a pond reflecting the light from the top of cave making it look like a massive hole. Everyone on the tour thought it was a hole until the tour guide threw a rock into the pond!

The next stop was lunch at Haria. Every palm tree in the town represents a new male born.

No they are not craters created from mini volcanoes or mortar fire. At the bottom of each mini craters there is a couple of grape vines. The poor sods who dug all the holes and laid stones around the surface.

The Mountain of Fire. A huge concentration of volcanoes in a small area. At the information centre, they have drilled a number of boreholes where the tour guide pours water down holes to later erupt in a jet of steam and water.

They warned me not to put my head over the blow hole

The big Mumma that exploded and killed lots of people.

Nicole and yours truly

The last stop on tour was at the green lagoon. Its pretty much a pond with blue gree algae next to the beach. Looks cool though. Didn't risk swimming in it!
P.S Every photo in this article is courtesy of Nicoles camera! (Which apparently is better than mine so i was told!)
we are glad all is well.
Gettin' any 'tang?
Sat Sept 02, 03:08:00 am
Hey duncs, what you doin with my woman?
Sun Sept 03, 02:26:00 am
have you proposed yet banksie??????
you know her parents would love it if you guys got married...
Tue Sept 05, 09:29:00 am
Hey Dunc from the Morgsess.
Your room is almost ready.
Its got a double.
Love the blog
Sun Sept 17, 09:35:00 pm
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