Yep, thats right folks, I am outer here..Duncan Banks is heading off to explore Europe with two good friends, Tim and Fab. Tim and Fab have labeled to it “The 2006 Euro Sex Tour”. I on the other hand have labeled it “The Search”. The Search to experience other cultures, to see the pyramids, to walk through the Sistine Chapel, or to get pissed in every bar in every country, shag anything that walks and to see if the myth is true that that Australian lasses are damn hard work compared to their European counterparts!
The search is beginning in Rome where Fabian has many family relatives scattered around who are more than willing to take us in (so we are told). We then head north in a anti-clockwise direction around Europe. Next stop will be Vienna then Prague, Germany, Amsterdam, Belgium, France, Spain then across to Greece. My other traveling mate Tim has a family holiday house in the South West of France in Perpignan and knows of people who own a villa on the island of Kos in Greece which we plan to take full advantage of. I will also be on the Search for wind and waves when the opportunity arises. So stop offs in Tariffa (Spain), the south west coast of France, Portugal and maybe Morocco could be a possibility. There is also a chance of regaining a windsurfing job that I got offered and then denied on the Island of Lanzarote in the Canary Islands.
When will I be back, who knows! At the moment I am thinking my hard earn savings will last me around 3 to 4 months of traveling then it might be back to England and find myself a job until the Australian summer.
So that’s all for now before I head off. Remember you can post a comment to my blog for all to read or you can send me a email on the latest tidings back in Aus. My email is
So that’s all for now. Keep an eye out on my blog for my latest news or conquests.