The Batch Pad
If you recall, i was pretty much squatting in a half built apartment. Well i have finally moved in to my new pad with a english dj/peanut seller/sunglass dealer "Oggy". The pad is situated right on the beach and looks straight over the bay where everyone windsurfs. Oggy is a 40 year old guy who has recently split up his missus and is looking forward to single life again. When i first moved in i was a little shell shocked as it was rather messy, even by my standards and when inquiring if the lights work oggy replied, yeah mate, i just need to change the globes!

Heres the living room and oggy dressing his two little boys zane and toby. The boys are over on the weekends and a couple of days during the week. In true oggy style, they just run around naked picking everything up at eye level. Reminder...have to remember to store everything out of little peoples reach.

My room with ensuite

The view from the front porch. Not very windy here, 15 to 20 knots. Good freestyle conditions.
The pad also has sky television, internet access, a shat load of music and a washing machine! Lets just say i did my first wash in a month.
do the kids call ya Unca Dunc
Wed Aug 16, 12:34:00 pm
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