Final Farewell

In true engineering form, I exited URS in fine form...A drunken slobbering mess. URS kindly organised a farewell lunch at Southbank (thankyou dena, very well organised) which was followed by a big session at the BLVD. Brucey, who dropped by to wish me farewell, decided I wasn't drinking enough so loaded me up on scotch and cokes and conventiently left before they fully hit me. After shattering my glass all over the floor, Ii decided it was time to go given I had to back it up on Saturday night with a session of go karting and drinks at the Elwood Lounge.

Driving to the go-karting track in Sunshine, I was rather nervous see i was having trouble keeping the contents in my stomach together in the car, let alone zooming around on a bumpy go kart track. Surprisingly, it all went well and I placed a respectable 5th. Then we headed off to the old faithful, The Elwood Lounge for something to eat and a few final beers with the crew. Thanks to everyone who came along to see me off and "I wish youse all" the best while I am gone.
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